Nancy Murphy

Nancy E. Murphy, MA

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About Nancy

Nancy’s current role is serving as the liaison between the Charter for Compassion and Compassionate St. Augustine. Educated through lived experiences, faith exploration, family, friends and communities, and formally by School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Loretto, the Jesuit community and Saint Louis University, Nancy is committed to life-long learning. Initially exposed to the study of compassion in 2020, she has been pursuing compassionate studies through courses and active engagement with the Charter for Compassion and Compassionate St. Augustine.

Nancy’s life’s work to date has included a high level of caring and compassion with strong foci on belonging, collaboration, diversity, inclusion, and racial and environmental justice. She is eager to increase and apply her knowledge, skills, and abilities to model and promote compassion in her communities and in our world.

In her study of compassion, Nancy is learning that self-awareness is not selfish. Mindful self-compassion is an essential element in developing and fostering compassion. Our golden rule dictates treating others as we wish to be treated. Knowing and being able to articulate how we wish to be treated are critical. Upon knowing how we wish to be treated, we can articulate our offerings and expectations. Nancy offers to treat you with compassion; she expects to be treated with compassion as well.